Task #1 |
Facts of the official science: 1) If you will build more powerful telescope then you will be able to see more stars which were not seen using weaker telescopes. 2) The number of stars in the whole universe is estimated and known. |
Task: based on the fact that
more powerful telescope will always find
new stars please estimate the number of stars in the universe. Or the other way around – based on fact that the number of stars in the universe was estimated please explain why more powerful telescopes will always find new previously unseen stars. |
Task #2 |
Facts of the official science: 1) The (biological) evolution. 2) The number of stars in the universe is very large (almost infinite). 3) Extraterrestrials do not exist. |
Task: based on (biological)
evolution please prove that extraterrestrials do not exist. Or the other way around – based on nonexistence of extraterrestrials please prove the (biological) evolution. |
Task #3 |
Facts of the official science: 1) (Biological) evolution. Evolution explains the birth of new species which are more complex than its predecessors. The difference of new (more complex) species from old (more simple) species is in the existence of new organs. In order for organisms to evolve into more complex species many new organs should come into existence. 2) There are zero documented cases when natural mutation would give birth to any new useful organ. |
based on (biological) evolution theory please explain why the birth of
new useful organ will never be registered during natural mutations. Or the other way around – based on the nonexistence of newly formed organs please explain the theory of (biological) evolution. |
Task #4 |
Facts of the official science: 1) Stars form from the cloud of dust. 2) There are zero documented cases of the birth of the star in any area of the sky and in any distance (distance == time measure backwards). |
Task: based on the fact that the
birth of the star was never registered please show that stars form from
the cloud of dust. Or the other way around – based on the claim that stars form from the cloud of dust please prove that the birth of the star will never be registered. |
Task #5 |
Facts of the official science: 1) (Biological) evolution. 2) In order for human to survive he needs eleven (11) biological systems: circulatory system, integumentary system, skeletal system, reproductive system, digestive system, urinary system, respiratory system, endocrine system, lymphatic system, muscular system, nervous system. |
Task: which one of these
systems has evolved the first? Which one of these systems has evolved the last? Or maybe all these systems came into the existence simultaneously? |
Task #6 |
Facts of the official science: 1) (Biological) evolution claims that the first ever DNA molecule was formed purely accidentally. 2) DNA and RNA molecules are very complex. 3) DNA molecule cannot replicate when it is not in contact with RNA molecule. |
Task: which one was formed at
first: DNA or RNA? Or maybe they both came into the existence simultaneously? How the first DNA and RNA did met each other (in order to produce the first replication in the Earth)? |
Task #7 |
Facts of the official science: 1) In the models of universe the gravitation and mass plays the key role. 2) Official science claims that there is such thing as “dark matter” and this “dark matter” contains no less than 95% of mass of the whole universe. |
Task: based on the fact that
mass plays the key role in the models of
universe please show that it is perfectly ok to dismiss the existence
of “dark matter”. Or the other way around – based on the existence of “dark matter” please show that the models of the universe are correct. |
Task #8 |
1) First law of thermodynamics
(energy-matter does not pop-up into existence and does not disappear
from the existence). 2) Official science claims that the universe came into existence during Big Bang. |
Task: based on the first law of
thermodynamics please prove the pop-up of universe into existence. Or the other way around – based on the pop-up of universe into existence please prove the first law of thermodynamics. |
Task #9 |
Facts of the official science: 1) Maxwell's equations (fundamental equations in the physics) were derived by Maxwell who described waves which travel through aether. 2) Official science claims that aether does not exist – the proof for that claim is Michelson–Morley experiment which is one of the most important and famous experiments in the history of physics. |
Task: based on the nonexistence
of aether please derive Maxwell's equations. Or the other way around – based on the Maxwell's equations please prove that aether does not exist. |
Task #10 |
Facts of the official science: 1) Entropy can be calculated for energetic system and here entropy is defined as a measure of free energy (which is available in closed system) which can be used for doing the work. 2) Entropy can be calculated for information system and here entropy is defined as the number of bits needed to describe the state of the system. |
Task: based on the fact that for
any real world object the entropy can
be calculated in two ways (as energetic system, and as information
system) please prove that entropy unambiguously describes the analyzed
object. Or the other way around – based on the fact that analyzed object has such unambiguous feature as entropy (in the same way as object has unambiguous features: mass, volume, density, etc) please prove that entropy can be calculated in two ways and these two calculated different numerical values of entropy do not contradict each other. |
Task #11 |
Facts of the official science: 1) The fundamental key requirement for scientific method is the repeatability and reproducibility of the experiment, i.e. anyone who will repeat the experiment must get the same identical result. Quote of physicist Ernest Rutherford: “If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.” 2) In quantum experiments you can reproduce the conditions of experiment as precisely as you wish, however every time you will get different results. |
based on quantum physics please prove the fundamental key requirement
for scientific method to reproduce the experimental result on the first
trial. Or the other way around – based on the requirement for scientific method to reproduce the experimental result on the first trial please prove that quantum physics meets scientific requirements. |