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Movies about Hypnosis
Ernest Ropiequet "Jack" Hilgard (July 25, 1904 – October 22, 2001) was an American psychologist and professor at Stanford University. He became famous in the 1950s for his research on hypnosis, especially with regard to pain control. Along with André Muller Weitzenhoffer, Hilgard developed the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales.
Hilgard is specifically known for his theory that a so-called "hidden observer" is created in the mind while hypnosis is taking place. His research on the hidden observer during hypnotic pain management was intended to provide support for his neodissociationist theory. This theory held that a person undergoing hypnosis can still observe his or her own pain without consciously experiencing any suffering. The phenomenon of the "hidden observer" was controversial and critics claimed it could be manufactured by suggestions, indicating that it was possibly no more than an artifact of the instructions given to the research participants. Writing in the late 1970s (Hilgard, E. (1977). Divided consciousness: Multiple controls in human thought and action. New York, NY: Wiley), Ernest Hilgard became convinced that we all have another being sharing our lives. Hilgard termed this entity the “hidden observer.”
In one of his books, Hilgard described a classic test demonstrating how this hidden entity is part of our consciousness. He wrote of a blind student who was hypnotized and, while in a trance state, was told that he would become deaf. The suggestion was so strong that he failed to react to any form of noise, even large sounds next to his ear. Of course, he also failed to respond to any questions he was asked while in his trance state. The hypnotist was keen to discover if “anybody else” was able to hear. He quietly said to the student, “Perhaps there is some part of you that is hearing my voice and processing the information. If there is, I should like the index finger of your right hand to rise as a sign that this is the case”(Hilgard, 1977, p. 186). The finger rose. At this, the student requested that he be brought out of the hypnotically-induced period of deafness. On being “awakened”, the student said that he had requested to come out of the trance state because “I felt my finger rise in a way that was not a spontaneous twitch, so you must have done something to make it rise, and I want to know what you did” (p. 186). The hypnotist then asked him what he remembered. Because the trance was light, the student never actually lost consciousness; all that occurred was that his hearing had ceased. In order to deal with the boredom of being deprived of both sight and sound,he had decided to work on some statistical problems in his head. It was while he was doing this that he suddenly felt his finger lift. This was obviously strange to him, because under normal circumstances he was, like all of us, the “person” who decides on how the body moves. In this case he was not. Not only that, but “somebody else” in his head was responding to an external request that he had not heard. As far as Hilgard was concerned, the person who responded was the “hidden observer.”
One of Hilgard’s subjects made the following interesting statement about what she experienced, making particular reference to what she sensed was her higher self: The hidden observer is cognizant of everything that is going on. . . . The hidden observer sees more, he questions more, he’s aware of what is going on all of the time but getting in touch is totally unnecessary. . . . He’s like a guardian angel that guards you from doing anything that will mess you up. . . . The hidden observer is looking through the tunnel, and sees everything in the tunnel. . . . Unless someone tells me to get in touch with the hidden observer I’m not in contact. It’s just there. (Hilgard, 1977, p. 210) The hidden observer protects us from doing anything in hypnosis that we would not do under any circumstance consciously, such as causing someone else physical harm.

Duality of personality

This idea of the basic duality of human personality is culturally and historically almost universal. The ancient Chinese called these two independent consciousnesses hun and po, the ancient Egyptians the ka and the ba, and the ancient Greeks the Daemon and the Eidolon. In each case, the two entities shared their senses and perceptions of the external world but interpreted those perceptions with regard to their own history, knowledge, and personality.
For the Greeks, the relationship was an unequal one. The higher self, the Daemon, acted as a form of guardian angel or higher self over its lower self, the Eidolon. The Stoic philosopher Epictetus wrote: God has placed at every man’s side a guardian, the Daemon of each man, who is charged to watch over him; a Daemon that cannot sleep, nor be deceived. To what greater and more watchful guardian could He have entrusted each of us? So, when you have shut the doors, and made darkness in the house, remember, never to say that you are alone; for you are not alone. But God is there, and your Daemon is there (Epictetus, 1998/2nd century, 14:11) The belief was that the Daemon had foreknowledge of future circumstances and events and as such could warn its Eidolon of the dangers. It was as if in some way the Daemon had already lived the life of its Eidolon.

Covert Pain in Hypnotherapy
Length: 7 minutes

A description of a hypnotic phenomenon known as 'The Hidden Observer' by researchers at Stanford University. The effects of Hypnosis on a hypnotized individual that proves people are always aware during hypnosis. Also a discussion of applications of this deep state of hypnosis in pain control or general hypnotherapy practice.

What To Do When They Don't Get Hypnotized
Length: 30 minutes

I'm often asked what I do if someone I am trying to hypnotize doesn't respond. Another common question I get is what to do if someone doesn't respond to a suggestion. Well, this little demonstration had both events. I hope you can learn something from it.

Hypnotist Marc Savard threatened by Italian mobster on stage!
Length: 6 minutes

Hey everyone, this week's video I got the pleasure of meeting a scruffy Sicilian man who got PISSED every time I got his name wrong. He may or may not have connections with the Italian mafia but I'm hoping for the best in this situation. Sitting next to him was a girl who I hypnotized to think I was the most disgusting man in the world, so you can only guess what happened when she tried to get his help to take me out! Watch and enjoy!

Hypnotism Facts : How to Hypnotize People Quickly
Length: 3 minutes

Hypnotizing people quickly requires mastering the David Elman induction, which takes four or five minutes to communicate with the client's subconscious. Learn about rapid hypnosis with information from a certified hypnotist trainer in this free video on hypnotism.

Expert: John Graden
Bio: John Graden is a business owner, author and motivational speaker. He uses hypnotism as part of his training program.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Hacking The Hypnotic Induction: A Step-by-Step Guide by Igor Ledochowski
Length: 7 minutes

Get Igor’s How To Do Hypnotic Instant Inductions Crash Course, which you can pick up for FREE today.

Derren Brown’s Most Incredible Hypnosis Tricks
Length: 12 minutes

Some of Derren's best Hypnosis tricks.

MIND CONTROL :: How To Hypnotize People (UNCUT)
Length: 7 minutes

Richard Barker - The Incredible Hypnotist - Cape Fear Community College
Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Thank you to the amazing and the Incredible Richard Barker for hypnotizing our students and our audience. It was a lot of fun.

You Can't Hypnotize Me!
Length: 10 minutes

For the first time ever, a course designed by and for professional hypnotists that will teach you how to succeed in the corporate speaking market!